above: a digital print of Lionel Scoccimaro's Sugar cube tower atop raw meat
Marseille-born and based artist Lionel Scoccimaro is a photographer and sculptor whose work encompasses many different art genres and utilizes various unusual materials. One of his most interesting series are his sugar cube sculptures in the forms of buildings, water towers and igloos.
Shown below, in reverse chronological order, are images of several of his exhibits and installations featuring Lionel's sugar cube work. In some of the images, beyond his sculptures, you can see his photographs and his digital prints, which include his Octodegenerates series.
Snow Landscape 2009
views of his 40 square meter installation, Sweet Palace, at the Galerie des grands bains douches de la plaine, Marseille, Photographs by Jean-Christophe Lett:

White Landscape 2008
the installation measured 300 x 500 x 170 cm and used 400 kg of sugar
exposition Show room artorama N°1, Atelier d'artistes de la ville de Marseille, Photographs by Jean-Christophe Lett:

2007 Water Towers, sugar cube structures, a series of 12 numbered photographs:

2007, Beyond the valley of the sugar histories, at Centre d'Art Chapelle St Jacques, Saint-Gaudens:

Water-Tanks & Sugar Histories (with artist Eric Angenot) at the Galerie In-situ, Aalst, Belgium:

Buro bildende Kunst installation De Willem 3, commissioned by Leon Riekweill, Vlissingen, Hollande:

Diabolo, bridge & candy, Galerie Averse/Espace à vendre, Nice and Rira bien qui rira le dernier exhibit at galerie de l'école des beaux-arts in Aix en Provence, 2004:

Rira bien qui rira le dernier, Centre d’art de Morsang-sur-Orge in 2004:

One of his earliest showings of "Architecture of Happyness", 1999:

Digital prints from his 1999 "Architecture of Happyness" series:

all images courtesy of Documents d'Artistes
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