above: this year's winner of the Washington Post Peep Show, Melissa Harvey's NightPeeps.
Okay Okay! I'm buckling under PEEPS Peer Pressure!
Based on the emails in my in box, everyone wants to see PEEPS art (which I was purposely tried avoiding with my previous post) .
But who am I to deny my readers? So... since so many of the contests have plenty horrendous and amateurish entries to sift through, I found a few really good ones from several different contests and from some flickr sets.
To start off with, The Washington Post has just announced the winner of their Third Annual PEEPs® show, Peeps Show III. Congratulations to Melissa Harvey of Arlington, Virgina for her winning Peep Diorama, NightPeeps (shown at the beginning of this post).
This year, there were lots of Political Peeps entries, Obama Peeps, Republican and Democratic Peeps, etc. There were also tons of American Idol Peeps and reality show entries and many based on popular tv shows like Heroes, LOST, Dexter and others. There were many versions of famous movie scenes and several recreations of big news events like the Hudson plane crash and the Octomom. A surprising amount of Mary Peepins and Peep On A Wire entries, too.
Here are some of my personal faves from the top 40 finalists from the 2009 entries into the "official" Peep Show III for the Washington Post:

above:Peepster's Kill Room by Chad Brobst & Stamatia Loverdos

Above: M.C. Escher's "RelativiPeep" by Mark Rivetti

above: Peeptown Cupcake by Jenna Huntsberger

above: Peep/Tuck by Jennifer Storozuk, Kathleen Lyons, Karen James

above: Steve Jobs Presents iPeep Nano by Sarah Kohari & Erin Mastrangelo

above: The Day The Earth Stood Peeped by Carl Cordell
You can see and vote for your personal favorite (The Peeple's Choice) from all the finalists (40 images) for the 2009 Washington Post Peep Show III here.
And some of my faves from the Twin Cities' Pioneer Press Contest (winners announced tomorrow). This was tough, there were lost of good entries into this Twin Cities Contest:

above: The Day The Earth Stood Peeped by Carl Cordell
You can see and vote for your personal favorite (The Peeple's Choice) from all the finalists (40 images) for the 2009 Washington Post Peep Show III here.
And some of my faves from the Twin Cities' Pioneer Press Contest (winners announced tomorrow). This was tough, there were lost of good entries into this Twin Cities Contest:

above: The Great Peepression by Jenny Updike

above: US Peepways by Gregg and Lisa Engas

above: iPeeps by Molkenbur & Canavan

above: Peepstock by Sara Marie Reinke and Tara Jordan.

above: The wreck of the Edmund Peepsgerald by Puliarf

above: two by two by Ruth Heyer

above: Peeps of the Carribean by Judy

above:Ch-ch-ch-Chia Peeps by Mary and Anne McComb
This year's winner of the 2009 Chicago Tribune's Peeps On Parade Contest:

Yet another peeps contest, whose 2009 finalists you can see is the Chicago Tribune's here
Some good Flickr Finds:

Be sure to see the University of Chicago's Peeple's Choice winners in a flickr set here, an example of which is shown above.
A few beauties from the Carroll Arts Center 1st Annual Peep Show Flickr set (admittedly from 2008):



And some other fab flickr finds:
Pink Pickled Peep:

found here on flickr.
Peeps Dress:

found here on flickr.
Okay, so there you have it. The Best Of The Prolific Preponderance Of Peeps Projects. Or My Personal Peep Picks.
If you didn't see the previous post about All Non Perishable Peeps Products For Purchase, see that here.
or check out last year's Peep Show winners here.
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