Obviously I surf the net. A lot. And come across a plethora of wonderfully designed products. But every once in awhile (not often, mind you), the site is as beautiful to look at as the products it's selling and in this case, Hooked On Walls is one of those sites. A company launched in january of this year, Hooked OnWalls is part of the Arte International Collection of fabrics and textiles. The website was designed by the uber talented Group94.
Now, I'm not saying it's beautifully 'designed'. That would imply that the navigation is intuitive, that the menu is clear and that finding what, where and how to purchase is easy. This is not the case here, but rather the images and photography are so compelling that it's a nice a site to sell a photographer's work as it is to showcase these amazing wallpapers. Now, I have contacted them in an attempt to learn who the photographer is but to no avail. If any of my readers know, by all means tell me so I can credit them!
They have four collections, all with edgy names; Jealous Walls, Stolen Diamonds, Hysterical Glamour and Belgian Graffiti.

Each of the collections above has many matching solid colored wallpapers to accompany the patterns, too.
Now take a look at just some of the beautiful photography from the site:
(click on each image to enlarge)

Download some of their lovely wallpapers for your computer, such as the ones shown below, here.

Contact information:
Industriezone‘De Waerde’
Senator A. Jeurissenlaan 1210
B–3520 Zonhoven
Tel. B. +32 11 81 93 10
Fax B. +32 11 81 93 11
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